What makes your heart sing? When do you feel most connected to your soul? Perhaps it’s laughing with a friend, being engrossed in a creative project, or spending quiet moments in nature, prayer, or meditation. Within this site is information about Sound Healing, Feng Shui, Reiki, and Sacred Arts that may open your heart to new thought, deep healing, and broader perspectives.

May you find joy and inspiration in all that you do and experience abundant blessings on your journey, knowing that the path you choose is perfect for you!


Our Story

Body and Hearth was established in 2003 when Kate Casey and daughter Meghan envisioned a business that incorporated Meghan’s massage therapy skills (Body), and Kate’s passion for Feng Shui and spiritual practices that ignite the Sacred Fire within (Hearth).

Meghan moved on to pursue degrees in Journalism and Library Sciences. Meanwhile, Kate continued her exploration of holistic healing techniques and alternative thought. As her consciousness shifted, Kate’s life changed dramatically. She left the corporate world, wrote a book, and realized her life-long dream to own her own business and boutique.

Kate’s energy work is comprised of (but not limited to) these elements:

  • Feng Shui provides a foundation for our soul path. By creating a peaceful, supportive environment, our Spirit awakens, and positive change begins to manifest in our lives.
  • Reiki Energy fills our beings with love and light.  When we cleanse our bodies of psychic debris,  we open the door to increased well-being, the Divine, and all that the Universe has to offer us.
  • Sound Healing harmonizes body, mind, and Spirit. The rich overtones of Sacred Sound reduce blood pressure, improve immunity, synchronize the brain hemispheres, and raise our vibration, eliciting a sense of deep peace and connection.
  • Sacred Arts awaken the Alchemist within.  Through personal expression, setting and empowering positive intentions, and trusting our innate abilities, we attract joy and abundance into our lives.

Each of these modalities support our bodies ability to heal naturally while creating a bridge to our higher selves.

Kate found that as we open more fully to “all that is,” the sweet serendipity of life begins to unfold before us. We just need to be alert to the signs and stay in the flow to enjoy these happy surprises. It was just this kind of Divine providence that brought Marion Hakata, Madonna Polley, Bette Biederman, Emily Hays, and Kate together to become friends and collaborators of services, classes, and events that promote well-being.

Body and Hearth is committed to building community, sharing uplifting information, inspiring personal growth, and creativity.
